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Coronavirus emergency, HDG Group launches the brand Higienico

New workplace hygiene products

News | 03 May 2020


The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has changed our life habits. Masks, gloves and sanitisers have become everyday products in both private and working life. The demand is such that they are, unfortunately, difficult to obtain, but they are necessary to reduce the possibility of infection.


Our bodies come into contact with thousands of microorganisms every day. Proper hygiene in both the home and the workplace prevents the transmission of pathogens and the proliferation of diseases.

The situation created by the spread of COVID-19 therefore places great emphasis on the protection of human health and, consequently, also on indoor air quality.

Work very often occupies about one third of our time each day. We spend many hours in an environment that should be safe and welcoming. It therefore becomes important to think not only about the hygiene of our homes, but also about the hygiene of the working environment.


Many people know us for our wood preservatives, but as a chemical company, we have also been producing detergents for years. That is why we decided to make a contribution in this sense, enhancing part of our production to put it at the service of the current emergency. Thus we created Higienico, the brand dedicated to products for the hygiene of working environments.

The product range is designed to meet both the requirements of good hygiene practices that should always be adopted in the workplace and the needs dictated by this emergency period, in which specific behaviour and appropriate prevention and protection measures must be adopted, as indicated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health.


The critical situation in which our country quickly plunged into spurred us to react and offer solutions that would allow Italian businesses to reopen safely.

This, however, was not enough for us and we decided to donate until the end of the year 10% of the Higienico brand production to the Protezione Civile Associazione Nazionale Alpini (Civil Protection of the National Alpine Association), of which we have become an official partner.

Thanks to our customers, the first 200 litres of sanitising detergent have already been shipped to the Bergamo Camp Hospital!

Prodotti Higienico per la Protezione Civile ANA

Le Iene - Ospedale degli Alpini di Bergamo

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